How to Draw a Body for beginners

 STEP 1.

When drawing a male figure, keep in mind that they are less curvaceous than females. Their bodies are box-like and defined. They have more muscle mass and agility. Their shoulders are broader, creating a sharp and bold physique all together. From the side view, you can see how the body is perfectly straight with no prominent curves like women. The grey line indicates the line of motion or 'balance' for the figures.
how to draw a body for beginners step 2


Here's just a basic overview on three main body types for men. The first one is of course, the muscular or 'body builder'. The body has thin defining lines that indicate tone and definition of muscle mass. As we scale down to the average body, you'll see how the details because less intense. The pink arrows point to the lines which give the figure realism and depth. If you're going to draw a muscular character, I would consider viewing a mass amount of reference photos of muscular men.


Female Anatomy Basics| The difference between drawing female figures, is that females are generally more 'curvy' than males. The hips and shoulders are almost ALIGNED perfectly when compared vertically to one another. It's best to observe references of the female body in motion to get a general idea on how it poses in diverse formats. If needed, get yourself a posable mannequin. Note* A typical height of a female is 6-7 heads. This means, if you stacked the size of their heads vertically, you'd have the average and logical height. Notice how the body is proportioned and the hips almost perfectly aligned with the shoulders. Note that female shoulders DO NOT sharpen and erect perfectly straight like the horridly drawn figure to the right. Observation is key!
how to draw a body for beginners step 4


Breast Variations| Now, here's a quick front and side turnaround on how diverse sizes of breasts can take affect on the figure. We have the very small, average, above average, and large DD cup breasts. Because gravity is continuously active on objects; the breasts will sink downwards with a sort of protrusion at the tips (nipples). NEVER draw breasts bulging outwards as if there is a force pushing them outwards or upwards, as shown in the figures demonstrated in grey. Also, keep notice on the patterned lines that trim the middle of the breasts on each figure. This dictates how overlaying objects will morph within the shape of its parent (clothes, accessories, etc


When drawing clothes on bodies, it's critical to keep in mind that clothing has different effects on the female and male bodies. It's also important to know the differences and principles of drawing these opposite genders. I would suggest heading over to my "how to draw anime bodies" tutorial that will teach you very basic limits on the female and male bodies. Again, females have curvier bodies, and of course 'breasts'. Their shoulders are also softer and smaller than men. Notice how male bodies are sharper with very broad shoulders. This is because, men are built to provide for the women; which means hunting, fighting, and traveling requires strength and endurance. Again, reference and observe!
how to draw a body for beginners step 6


To begin this clothing tutorial, I would like to discuss the various types of bodies, and how they effect the clothes worn. Here we have three different bodies; one is stubby and chubby, the other is the average lean man, and the last is a muscular body builder. Observe carefully on how the same styles of clothes are effected by the shapes of the bodies. Notice that the stubby body has less wrinkles with slight indication of wrinkle at the tightest regions. The clothes stick to this body shape, emphasizing the features a lot more than the average body figure. Now, moving onto the middle figure, we see that there's a nice amount of wrinkles in the most active areas. The next figure, which is the muscular man, has the same application as the stubby body. The clothing sticks to most protruding part of body, which are obviously the muscles. The wrinkles are also stretched around the biggest of muscles. To further your observational skills, study lots and lots of references on how clothing effects the many varieties of bodies!


Begin by drawing the body guides to create a workable frame. First, draw the head guide shape, then the torso and hip guides. Sketch in the guidelines for the neck, arm and to connect the top to the bottom.
how to draw a body for beginners step 8


Using the guide you just made, draw the shape or define the shape for the girl's face. When that is done you can draw in the bang and some hair.


We will now tackle the task of drawing out the body starting with the neck, shoulders, arms and then the torso. This is a female so the chest needs to be drawn in a feminine manner.
how to draw a body for beginners step 10

STEP 10.

We will add a top. For this female model it's a simple halter. Add the cleavage and then draw the collar bones.

STEP 11.

We will sketch out the rest of the body shape beginning with the back arch, then draw the butt shape and then finally the thighs and crotch. Don't forget to draw the forearm as well.
how to draw a body for beginners step 12

STEP 12.

Finish off this lesson by drawing the left arm and then her right hand or fingers. We will sketch in some detailing to add realism to the body like the bellybutton, and bone definition for the pelvic area. Sketch in a hairstyle you like or draw the short cut you see here. When you are happy with your drawing you can erase the mistakes and guides.

STEP 13.

That's it, you are all done. Now you can color in your body drawing or use what you've learned to make your own character/figure.