How to Draw Mew Lettuce

 STEP 1.

Make the guide shapes for Lettuce like so. This should consist of a head and torso. Sketch in the facial guidelines and then draw the limb guides.
how to draw mew lettuce step 2


We will now draw the shape of Mew Lettuce face, and then draw in the hair which parts and arches. The ends of her hair should be pointed, you should also draw the lobes of her ears as well.
how to draw mew lettuce step 3


We will now draw the large eyes with the upper lids being thicker. Add the eyebrows, nose and mouth.
how to draw mew lettuce step 4


Draw the shape of the neck, then draw in her shoulders, some of the torso and then draw the cuffs for her dress. Add detailing to the neck and proceed to step five.
how to draw mew lettuce step 5


We will now draw the arms and some of the tails for the dress. Mew Lettuce's dress is blowing in the breeze.
how to draw mew lettuce step 6


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the legs and then her boots. The boots are almost knee high. Draw the rest of her clothing and when you are satisfied with the results you can begin to clean up the drawing by erasing the mistakes and guidelines.
how to draw mew lettuce step 7


Here is Mew Lettuce when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color in this drawing of another Tokyo Mew Mew character.