Our next pose is similar to the last one, but now one of the legs is
foreshortened in addition to the arms, and the upper half of the left
arm isn't visible at all since its hidden behind the torso. Start again
with the head, torso and waist at a 3/4 view, but now tilt the forms so
that it looks like he is leaning over. When a character leans over,
you'll notice that the back of the ribcage is large enough that it
begins to surround the head. There is a better example of this further
on, but I'll get to that in a moment. For now, just take note that the
neck isn't going to be as visible when the character is leaning foward,
since the head blocks the lower part of the neck, and swell of the
muscles on the back hide the upper part of the neck.
Next, draw the arms and legs. You will foreshorten the legs the exact
same way as you did the arms; if the forms are moving away from you,
slant them inward; if they are moving towards you, slant them outwards.
Make the right leg a little short, since it is bent slightly forward
towards you (look at the other pictures to see what I mean).

Now you can start adding the details, like the hair, clothing,
muscles and hands. Since his legs are bent, there are going to be a lot
more folds on the pants. Just remember to draw the folds in the
direction that the cloth is being pulled. If you look at the left leg,
you'll see that the material is stretched across his knees, so there are
horizontal folds near the waist.
Draw the face and the rest of the details, then erase all the unncessary lines and smooth over the finished outline.

You can now color or shade your picture. Nothing much else to say for this particular pose... ^_^;